“Canadian bass-baritone Stephen Hegedus easily holds his own against Okulitch’s
bravura performance as Giovanni’s valet/sidekick — and witness —creating oceanic
undertows of subtext as he rails against, reveres, and finally, triumphantly wrests
power during the final brilliant image as his master perishes.”
“Hegedus, who moves well, impressed with his rendition of Colline’s moving little song about parting with his overcoat.”
“…bass-baritone Stephen Hegedus nails the comic patter and brings a charismatic wiliness to his purple-suited, vintage-motorcycle-driving con artist, Dulcamara.”
Bass-baritone Stephen Hegedus as the lovable old shyster, Dr. Dulcamara, came closest to fully realizing his role. All the requisite bravado, bluster and braggadocio were there, along with sure and fluid vocal command.
“Stephen Hegedus (who) gave one of the subtler, if not quietly pathological, Count Almaviva performances you’ll likely ever see, at once chilling as it was charming….offering flawless lyricism, flexibility and three-dimensional humanity.”
“Bass-baritone Stephen Hegedus is all-conquering as stormy lord of the manor, Count Almaviva. Relentlessly on target, blisteringly passionate, Hegedus delivers what to all appearances is a career-defining performance. My lady, forgive me (Contessa perdono), pleads Almaviva, his lechery finally unmasked. The duet with Rosina that follows, supercharged with hurt and regret, tears at our emotions. Hegedus captures his doomed character in all his frailty, helpless, frightened, his voice reduced almost to a whisper. A remarkable portrait from a remarkable artist.”
“Though Figaro and the Count are dressed in tight pants, as is OA’s wont, Douglas Williams and Stephen Hegedus are such good singing actors that they survive – nay, transcend – the OA tights unscathed.”
“Mr. Hegedus has always brought expressive range to his various and diverse roles….in Medea he is at home with the unique blend of acting and singing required of Baroque French opera specialization, bringing a complete command of vocal and movement gesture to this difficult role.”
“Stephen Hegedus is a powerful and captivating Créon, King of Corinth, where Medea and Jason seek refuge. In every appearance, he demands attention.”
“Hélène Guilmette est une parfaite Zerline, associée à un Stephen Hegedus (Masetto). L’ancien finaliste d’Operalia est toujours aussi impressionnant : son aplomb dans les récitatifs est admirable.”